Data Archiving and Unarchiving

Managing the data volumes effectively and efficiently to reduce the data footprint

PiLog's MDRM V10 application comes with many features which also includes archiving and unarchiving the Data. You can archive an active Data when you no longer need it. For example, you may want to archive an application at the end of a period of time such as the end of the quarter or end of the year. You can also return an archived application to Active status or you can delete the Data.


PiLog Group can help you avoid common pitfalls by:

  • A user who has the Owner permission on the Data can change its status or delete it.
  • When you archive a Data, all of the application's dimensions and their data chain objects (node types, hierarchy sets, and node sets) are also archived. The default view remains active.
  • When you return an archived Data to Active status, all of the application's dimensions and their data chain objects are restored to the status that they had before the Data was archived.
  • You can make a migration back up before deleting a single Data in case you need to restore it in the future.
  • If an archived dimension displays in the application registration, delete the dimension first and can add/return it to Active status.